Explore Cutech's line of benchtop jointers. Choose from an expanded selection of jointers, from the small 6" jointer to the latest 12" jointer with cast iron tables. The beloved spiral cutterhead straightens out any board irregularities with ease. Larger projects are no problem with the ability to edge joint seamlessly. Consistently square up boards to give your project the right start.
The new 8", 10" and 12" jointers come standard with a longer fence and fence enhancement brackets to keep tolerance tight from start to finish. Unrivaled 12-amp Motor gives the larger 10” & 12" jointers extra muscle for tough jobs. Well thought out new design features along with increased performance capable of tackling larger jobs.
Pair any jointer with Cutech's thickness planer and there's no stop to what your woodshop can do.
Flatten wood surface with Cutech’s Benchtop Planer with Spiral Cutterhead
Learn more about the difference between jointer vs planer